
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

Shopify's Sidekick
August 10, 2023

Shopify’s Sidekick: A New AI Feature for Online Sellers! [What Is It & How to Use It?]

The ecommerce landscape is evolving faster than ever, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. Enter Shopify's latest game-changer: Sidekick, an innovative AI feature designed to revolutionize the way you manage your… Continue Reading

August 9, 2023

Shopify SEO: Tips to Drive Traffic

Once your store has been designed the way you want it and uploaded all your products, it's time to think about how you'll drive traffic to your site. One of the best (long-term) ways to… Continue Reading

August 8, 2023

Abandoned Shopping Cart: Common Scenarios & Tips

As a merchant, you'd like to get as many visitors as possible to your store, and to achieve this; you put expensive search engines and social media experts to work and spend much money on… Continue Reading

collect customer data
August 3, 2023

How to Collect and Use Customer Data to Grow Your Online Business

As an e-commerce retailer, knowing exactly who your customers are is vital to the success of your business. If you don’t really know who you’re serving, you can’t possibly serve them to the best or… Continue Reading

Value based pricing
August 2, 2023

Value-Based Pricing: Pros & Cons [+ How to Apply It]

Finding the best pricing strategy is challenging. There is no strategy that fits all, so you have to build your own. Each business has unique characteristics and objectives, so the first step would be determining… Continue Reading

August 1, 2023

6 Pillars of a Powerful Pricing Strategy

Profitable pricing starts with determining your target customers, the value you deliver to your customers, and matching the right price to this value every time you sell. A powerful pricing strategy is the most valuable… Continue Reading

Google Shopping Product Listing
July 27, 2023

How to Increase Product Visibility on Google Shopping [For Free]

Google Shopping is the ultimate solution for connecting customers with retailers that meet their needs. By taking advantage of features such as adverts and providing shoppers with detailed product information and enticing ads, you can… Continue Reading

July 26, 2023

How to Prepare Your Shopify Store for International Selling [+4 Steps]

Did you know that 35% of all Shopify traffic comes from international visitors? With more people opting to shop online and decreasing transnational shipping rates, selling to a global audience is more feasible than ever.… Continue Reading

find the right price for your product
July 25, 2023

Finding The Right Customer For Your Product [In 5 Easy Steps]

Have you heard yourself saying this lately? "I'm getting all these page views but not many sales." You might have many potential customers discovering your brand, but your issue might be not finding the right… Continue Reading

How to Make the Most of Your Competitors Slip-ups
July 20, 2023

How to Make the Most of Your Competitors’ Slip-ups

Being involved in business can be fulfilling, satisfying, and empowering. Organizing your teams, setting up the organization to succeed, and achieving financial targets. These are the things that make it all worth it. However, business… Continue Reading