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Auto-Generated Custom Enrichment Service

The Coralogix Security Traffic Analyzer (STA) collects data using internal enrichment services, including AWS, Kubernetes, and/or geographical information.

It sends these enrichments to Coralogix as CSV files per service, allowing you to enrich any of your logs with additional fields, even if the source is not STA.

Connect all types of logs sent to Coralogix’s platform and improve readability, deepen your understanding of your environments, and reduce investigation time dramatically over large content of logs from different sources.

All custom enrichment files are available on Coralogix’s platform under Data Flow -> Data Enrichment section.

Enrichment Types

STA collects enrichments using several services running in the background.

To see the full list of STA enrichment modules, run the following command inside STA: sta-get-status-short

In the console, you’ll find all running services inside STA, and their current status. See the example below:

All rows with the prefix: coralogix.sta.enrichment represent different services that handle STA enrichments.

Currently the example above includes the following services:

  1. domains-tld-extract

  2. domain-stats

  3. dns-rbls

  4. unshorten-url

  5. domains-similarity

  6. freq-server

  7. geo

  8. nist-cpe

  9. cloud-context

  10. k8s-context

  11. stats-info

Note: We are constantly improving and extending the STA, and more services might be added/modified.


In order to enable this service, an Alerts API key must be provided.
To find the key, please head to Data Flow -> API Keys.

There you'll find the relevant key under the name Alerts, Rules and Tags API Key.

  1. Copy alert API key.

  2. Copy the previously-configured Coralogix custom enrichment endpoint host. The endpoint list is available here.

  3. After you’ve copied the key and configured custom enrichment endpoint host, go to your sta.conf file that can be configured locally in STA or using Amazon S3 bucket,

  4. Search for "coralogix" JSON key (you'll see that you already provided there your "private_key").

  5. Add the following:

    "coralogix": { will find here your private key specification and other params...,
        "coralogix_alerts_api_key": "<YOUR_COPIED_ALERTS_API_KEY>",
        "coralogix_custom_enrichment_endpoint_host" : "<YOUR_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT_ENDPOINT_HOST>",


The service configuration is also located in sta.conf with the following structure:

    "sensors": {
        "custom_enrichment_producer": {
            "log_level": "TRACE" | "DEBUG" | "INFO" | "WARN" | "ERROR",
            "file_modification_minutes_threshold": int,
            "max_csv_rows": int,
            "enable": bool,
            "customized_services": [
                    "name": str,
                    "headers": [str]
            "disabled_for_services": [str],
            "other_services_enabled": bool,

Default Values

log_level: INFO
file_modification_minutes_threshold: 10
max_csv_rows: 9000
enable: true
customized_services: []
disabled_for_services: []
other_services_enabled: true


log_levelPredefined stringPossible values:  "TRACE", "DEBUG""INFO", "WARN", "ERROR"The lowest log level to be shown in the console
file_modification_minutes_thresholdint1 ≤ x ≤ 60Number of minutes threshold of idleness before sending enrichments to Coralogix. This can happen when no new enrichments are found by the STA in a given period of time.
max_csv_rowsint2 ≤ x ≤ 10000Number of lines threshold per CSV file. if this threshold is reached, the file is sent to Coralogix, and a new file is created afterward.
enablebooleanenable/disable service. By default set to true.
customized_servicesArray of objectsPlease see 2 rows below for object representationLeave an empty array to include all services without specific configuration.
customized_services.namestrPredefined service names. Please see the section “Enrichment Types”.Names of the services to enable, if only the names are specified, only those services will be enabled. See “headers” below for additional configuration.
customized_services.headersArray of stringsBe sure that you know what headers you want as once you specify, only those will be searched, and others will be dropped.Representing the headers extracted into the service’s enrichment CSV - and only those. Leave an empty array to include all possible headers.
disabled_for_servicesArray of stringsPredefined service names. Please see the section “Enrichment Types”.Defines what services to exclude from CSV files.
other_services_enabledbooleanEnable other services that are not specified in the variable: customized_services. Find additional information and use cases below.

Use Cases

For a better understanding of how those variables interact with STA, let’s see some use cases below.

Let’s assume that we want to disable cloud-cotext enrichment service from sending CSVs to Coralogix. Our configuration should be as follows:

    "sensors": {
        "custom_enrichment_producer": {
            "disabled_for_services": ["cloud-context"],

As mentioned, the other values will receive their default values and only the specified service will be disabled.

Now let's assume that we want to configure geo with specific headers: country, zone, coordinate.x, coordinate.y. In addition, we want to enable only cloud-context and k8s-context services without configuration. Our configuration should be as follows:

    "sensors": {
        "custom_enrichment_producer": {
          "customized_services": [
              "headers": ["country","zone",".x", "coordinate.y"]
              "headers": []
              "headers": []
        "disabled_for_services": [],
        "other_services_enabled": false,

Finally, let's assume again that we want to configure geo with specific headers: country, zone, coordinate.x, coordinate.y. In addition, we want all other services to enrich without configuration except the service nist-cpe which should be disabled. Our configuration should be as follows:

   "sensors": {
       "custom_enrichment_producer": {
          "customized_services": [
              "headers": ["country","zone","coordinate.x", "coordinate.y"]
          "disabled_for_services": ["nist-cpe"],
          "other_services_enabled": true,