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DataPrime Quick-Start Guide


The user-data (JSON):

$d / $data

Engine-related event metadata. Ex - "timestamp", "severity", "logid", "priorityclass":

$m / $metadata

User-managed event labels. Flat, key/values (strings only) Known labels: "applicationname", "subsystemname", "category", "classname", "computername", "methodname", "threadid", "ipaddress":

$l / $labels

Example keypaths


Example expressions

Refer to the key key inside the key stats and apply lowercase function to it:


The result of multiplying the value of 8 and the radius key casted to number (does not work now will be fixed soon):

$d.radius:num * 8

The logical timestamp of the event (any keypath is valid expression):


Operators syntax

Filter data matching expression-predicate:

filter <expression>
  • Ex:
filter $d.k8s.pod_name == 'pod1'

Find entries containing search-string:

wildfind '<search-string>’
  • Ex:
wildfind 'foo'

Find entries matching lucene-query:

lucene '<lucene-query>’
  • Ex:
lucene 'hello -world'

Find entries containing search-string in given keypath:

find '<search-string>' in <key-path>
  • Ex:
find 'west' in $d.kubernetes.labels.CX_REGION

Order entries by given expression:

order by <expression>
  • Ex:
order by $d.priority * -1

Take first N entries:

limit <N>
  • Ex:
limit 10

Leave only the keypaths provided, discarding all other keys from an entry:

choose <keypath>, <keypath> …, <keypath>

Cast any expression to one of the following types [bool, num, string]:

: (cast)
  • Ex:
filter $d.x:num > 3

Extract parts of one keypath into new keypath using extractor-function:

extract <keypath> into <keypath> using <extractor-function>
  • Ex:
    • Creates field "y"of shape: {"name" : "foo" , "id" : "42"} given x:"Name:foo Id:42”
extract $d.x into $d.y using regexp(e=/Name:(?<name>[\\w\\s]+) Id:(?<id>\\d+)/)
  • Ex:
    • Creates field "y"of shape: {"a" : "42", "b" : "11"} given x: "a=42 b=11"
extract $d.x into $d.y using kv(pair_delimiter=' ', key_delimiter='=')
  • Ex:
    • Creates field "y" of shape: {"a": 1, "b": true} given x:"{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": true}" (stringified json object)
extract $d.x into $d.y using jsonobject()

Example queries

Select the 10 ‘successful’ logs ordered by department_id:

source logs
| find 'success' in $d.result
| order by $d.department_id
| limit 10

Find cx-cluster logs (without knowing the log structure):

source logs | wildfind 'cx-cluster'

Select 100 log messages along with 'processed’ statuses from ‘enrichment-ingest’ service where processed ≠ 0:

source logs
| lucene 'NOT log:"stderr F"'
| lucene 'log:"stdout F"'
| filter $d.kubernetes.labels.CX_SERVICE_NAME != 'enrichment-ingest'
| extract $d.log into $d.stats using regexp(e=/.*T?(?<processed>\\d+:\\d+:\\d+[.,]\\d+).*/)
| filter $d.stats.processed != '0'
| limit 100

[NEW] DataPrime now supports Data Aggregation, for more information and examples please refer to the DataPrime Cheat Sheet.