Home / Developer Portal / APIs / Data Management / Alert Suppression Rules API Alert Suppression Rules API Overview This document outlines the Alert Suppression Rules API. Alert Suppression Rules allow you to mute alerts according to your specific parameters automatically. You can set what to suppress (what group by keys), when to suppress (specific times and dates, recurring times and dates, one-time suppressions), and which alerts to suppress during those times.
Prerequisites Before you begin, please make sure you have the following:
Authentication Coralogix API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys from the Data Flow tab in Coralogix. You need to use this API key in the Authorization request header to successfully connect.
Then, use one of our designated Management endpoints to structure your header.
For the Alert Suppression Rules API, the service name will be AlertSchedulerRuleService
, and with its namespace becomes com.coralogixapis.alerting.alert_scheduler_rule_protobuf.v1.AlertSchedulerRuleService
The complete request header should look like this:
grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ https://ng-api-grpc.<span class = "domain-value" ></span>:443/ com.coralogixapis.alerting.alert_scheduler_rule_protobuf.v1.AlertSchedulerRuleService/
API Endpoints AlertSchedulerRuleService Method Name Description GetAlertSchedulerRule Retrieves an alert suppression rule based on the provided rule ID. CreateAlertSchedulerRule Creates a new alert suppression rule according to the provided parameters. UpdateAlertSchedulerRule Updates an existing alert suppression rule with new settings and configurations. DeleteAlertSchedulerRule Deletes a specified alert suppression rule, removing it from the system. GetBulkAlertSchedulerRule Retrieves multiple alert suppression rules in bulk, potentially filtered by various criteria. CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRule Creates multiple alert suppression rules in bulk, based on the provided list of rule creation requests. UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRule Updates multiple existing alert suppression rules with new settings and configurations in bulk.
GetAlertSchedulerRule Get Alert Scheduler Rule Request Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule_id string The rule ID.
GetAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule AlertSchedulerRule Metadata from the alert rule.
CreateAlertSchedulerRule CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule AlertSchedulerRule Metadata from the alert rule
CreateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule AlertSchedulerRule Metadata from the alert rule
UpdateAlertSchedulerRule UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule AlertSchedulerRule Metadata from the alert rule
UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule AlertSchedulerRule Metadata from the alert rule
DeleteAlertSchedulerRule DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule_id string The rule ID.
DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description
GetBulkAlertSchedulerRule GetBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description active_timeframe ActiveTimeframe enabled bool optional alert_scheduler_rules_ids FilterByAlertSchedulerRuleIds next_page_token string optional
GetBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rules AlertSchedulerRuleWithActiveTimeframe repeated next_page_token string
CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRule CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description create_alert_scheduler_rule_requests CreateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest repeated
CreateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description create_suppression_responses CreateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse repeated
UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRule UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description update_alert_scheduler_rule_requests UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleRequest repeated
UpdateBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description update_suppression_responses UpdateAlertSchedulerRuleResponse repeated
DeleteBulkAlertSchedulerRule DeleteBulkAlertSchedulerRuleRequest Field Type Label Description delete_alert_scheduler_rule_requests DeleteAlertSchedulerRuleRequest repeated
DeleteBulkAlertSchedulerRuleResponse Field Type Label Description
AlertSchedulerRule Field Type Label Description unique_identifier string optional Rule unique_identifier: The rule id. id string optional Rule id: The rule version id. name string Rule name. description string optional Rule description. meta_labels MetaLabel repeated Rule meta_labels: Rule tags over the system. filter Filter Rule filter: The rule filter definition over alert-events. schedule Schedule Rule schedule: The schedule time definition, how often the rule will be active. enabled bool Rule enabled: The rule activation mode. created_at string optional Rule created_at: The date-time when the rule was created. updated_at string optional Rule updated_at: The date-time when the rule was updated.
AlertSchedulerRuleWithActiveTimeframe Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule AlertSchedulerRule next_active_timeframes ActiveTimeframe repeated
ActiveTimeframe Field Type Label Description start_time string Timeframe start time: The point in the time(date-time) when the rule will start to be active. end_time string Timeframe end time: The point in the time(date-time) when the rule will finish to be active. timezone string Timeframe timezone: The rule will be active according to a specific timezone.
Duration Field Type Label Description for_over int32 Duration for_over: The duration interval. frequency DurationFrequency Duration frequency: The duration frequency types (minute hour or day).
Timeframe Field Type Label Description start_time string Timeframe start time: The point in the time(date-time) when the rule will start to be active. end_time string Timeframe end time: The point in the time(date-time) when the rule will finish to be active. duration Duration Timeframe duration: The duration interval of the rule activation. timezone string Timeframe timezone: The rule will be active according to a specific timezone.
DurationFrequency Name Number Description DURATION_FREQUENCY_UNSPEC
Recurring Field Type Label Description always Recurring.Always dynamic Recurring.Dynamic
Recurring.Always Field Type Label Description
Recurring.Dynamic Field Type Label Description repeat_every int32 Recurring Dynamic repeat_every: The rule will be activated in a recurring mode according to the interval. daily Daily weekly Weekly monthly Monthly timeframe Timeframe Recurring Dynamic timeframe: The rule will be activated in a recurring mode according to the specific timeframe. termination_date string optional Recurring Dynamic termination_date: The rule will be terminated according to termination_date.
Schedule Field Type Label Description schedule_operation ScheduleOperation Rule schedule_operation: The rule operation mode (mute/active). one_time OneTime Schedule one_time: The scheduling definition will activate the rule for a specific timeframe. recurring Recurring Schedule recurring: The scheduling definition will activate the rule for a recurring timeframe.
Daily Field Type Label Description
Weekly Field Type Label Description days_of_week int32 repeated Dynamic Weekly days_of_week: The rule will be activated at weekly intervals on specific days in a week.
Monthly Field Type Label Description days_of_month int32 repeated Dynamic Monthly days_of_month: The rule will be activated at monthly intervals on specific days in a month.
OneTime Field Type Label Description timeframe Timeframe
FilterByAlertSchedulerRuleIds Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_ids AlertSchedulerRuleIds alert_scheduler_version_ids AlertSchedulerRuleVersionIds
AlertSchedulerRuleIds Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule_ids string repeated
AlertSchedulerRuleVersionIds Field Type Label Description alert_scheduler_rule_version_ids string repeated
Filter Field Type Label Description what_expression string Filter what_expression: dataprime expression that filter the alerts group by values. alert_meta_labels MetaLabels Filter alert_meta_labels: filter alerts by meta labels tagging. alert_unique_ids AlertUniqueIds Filter alert_unique_ids: filter specific alerts (when alert_unique_ids is empty meaning it wil filter all alerts).
AlertUniqueIds Field Type Label Description value string repeated
Field Type Label Description value MetaLabel repeated
Field Type Label Description id string optional MetaLabel id: The meta label id key string MetaLabel key: The meta label key value string optional MetaLabel value: The meta label value
Last updated: September 29, 2024 Theme