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Fluentd Helm Chart for Kubernetes

Here at Coralogix, we love Kubernetes and we love making things simple. To help streamline your Kubernetes monitoring, we created this chart to bootstrap our optimized Fluentd image to create a DaemonSet on your Kubernetes cluster using the Helm Package Manager.

Our chart also supports metrics for Fluentd itself by default and is MultiArch.

Our Helm chart is open source and you are welcome to review and make suggestions for improvements in our Integrations repository.


  • Kubernetes 1.20+ with Beta APIs enabled.

  • Helm 2.9+ Package Manager installed (For installation instructions please visit Get Helm!).

Kubernetes 1.25+
podsecuritypolicy has been deprecated for this version up.
You can disable this by adding the following to your override file

  create: false


Create a Namespace for the daemonset (in our example we will use: coralogix-logger):

kubectl create namespace coralogix-logger

Create Secret Key

Your Send-Your-Data API key can be found in the Coralogix UI in the top of the screen under Data Flow --> API Keys --> Send Your Data

kubectl create secret generic coralogix-keys \
        -n coralogix-logger \
        --from-literal=PRIVATE_KEY=<Send-Your-Data API key>

Add the Helm Chart Repo

(And run an update to fetch it)

helm repo add coralogix-charts-virtual &&
helm repo update

Create An override.yml File

This is where you can override settings like the HTTP endpoint to which we send logs (we added a table of endpoints at the bottom of this manual).

You can also change the dynamic field from which we extract the application and subsystem name or completely override the configuration.

  - fluentd-prometheus-conf
  # - fluentd-systemd-conf
  - name: APP_NAME
    value: namespace_name
  - name: SUB_SYSTEM
    value: container_name
    value: systemd
    value: kubelet.service
  - name: ENDPOINT
    value: <put_your_coralogix_endpoint_here>
  - name: "FLUENTD_CONF"
    value: "../../etc/fluent/fluent.conf"
  - name: LOG_LEVEL
    value: error
  - name: K8S_NODE_NAME
        fieldPath: spec.nodeName

Deploy the Chart

helm upgrade fluentd-http coralogix-charts-virtual/fluentd-http \
     --install --namespace=coralogix-logger \
     -f override.yaml

Remove the Daemonset

helm uninstall fluentd-http \
     -n coralogix-logger

Coralogix Endpoints

For a list of up to date Coralogix Endpoints, see the Coralogix Endpoints List.


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].